Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ch 16 blog



The article is about Canada Pension Plan(CPP). It is a benefit for a person who is deemed disable when she/he is determined to have a severe and prolonged physical or mental impairment as a described in the criteria. A disability is severe only if by reason thereof the person in respect of whom the determination is made incapable of regularly pursing any substantially gainful employment. In addtion, criteira for CPP Disability Benefits include being between the ages of 18 and 65, and meeting the minimum contribution requirements or the minimum qualifying period.

The connection i made between this article and chapter 16 is that both of them are talking about the CPP benefits. The chapter 16 showed us why there is a CPP benefits , and how to deduct money from the employee's income. But this article clearly tell us the requirement of applying CPP.It is an really useful article for the people who want to apply for it. For example: the doctors recommendation is needed, it proves that if you are able to work or not, because in some cases, people just trying to take money from the government.

After read this article, I feel glad of all Canadians, because i think in some countries like my home country China, there isn't much benefits like Canada. Because Chinese population is really large, so the government donesn't have able to look after every person. So, i think Canadians are very lucky to have such a good plan to protect disabilities.

1 comment:

YY - Blog [Sabrina] said...

Hi, Ting
Canada Pension Plan is a really good benefit for some of the people who determine the severe and prolonged physical or mental impairment. Also i have known that during the application of the CPP program, that is not easy for the ones who just want to take money from the government by not having the exactly information. As I agree, I am so appreciating that Canada has this kind of benifit.